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Dune Sea

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Revision as of 20:52, 2 February 2016 by Sammieo (talk | contribs)
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The Dune Sea is an arid, desert region in the Battalion Wars series.


The Dune Sea is the only location in the Battalion Wars world where Nerocite can be found in large quantities. This mineral, once extracted from the ground, can be refined into fuel. Kaiser Vlad had laid claim to the neighboring region in the first Battalion Wars game, seizing control of the fuel supply in order to power his Xylvanian war machines. His plans would not last very long, however, as the newly-formed Alliance of Nations would soon invade the desert, destroying the Xylvanian-held Extraction Towers.


  • The Dune Sea is similar to oil-producing countries of the Middle East. Like oil, Nerocite is easily found only in dry, desert regions.
  • The area does not appear to have a visible, clearly-defined form of government. This may hint to the instability of its real-world counterpart.