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Anti-Air Vehicle

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Anti-Air Vehicle
対空戦車 Anti-Aircraft Tank
Western FrontierTundran TerritoriesSolar EmpireXylvania
Prometheus AIM-9RRWestern Frontier in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
SK-8 GanetTundran Territories in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Type-11 Ten-QooSolar Empire in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Flakker IVXylvania in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Basic info
Deployed by
Role Rapid Anti-Air attack
Primary weapon
Name Missiles
Target Planes, Copters
Secondary weapon
Name None
Target N/A
This article is about the anti-air unit in the Battalion Wars series. For the vehicle of similar role in the Advance Wars series, see Anti-Air.

The Anti-Air Vehicle is an armored machine tasked with the sole objective of eliminating enemy air units, plane and copter alike. While it can hold its ground against air units, which makes it more durable than the Anti-Air Veteran, its single light machine gun turret leaves it vulnerable to incoming infantry, tank, and warship attack.

Dossier Intel[edit | edit source]

Western Frontier[edit | edit source]

"The scourge of enemy air forces, the Prometheus AIM-9RR fires a barrage of 8 deadly IS-III Silverfish missiles, but is unable to radar-lock low-level targets and hence is wildly inaccurate against them."

Tundran Territories[edit | edit source]

"The SK-8 Ganet half-track mobile SAM vehicle's missile tracking equipment shares frequencies with a popular Tundran radio station. The reduced bandwidth prevents accurate tracking of projectiles deployed on low-altitude trajectories."

Solar Empire[edit | edit source]

"Feratu Bombers were deployed by the Iron Legion against the Coral Atolls in such large numbers during the first days of the Lightning Wars that they proved too much for anti-air infantry alone to combat. The Type-11 Ten-Qoo mobile SAM vehicle was designed to provide mechanized assistance."

Anglo Isles[edit | edit source]

The Anglo Isles have not developed this unit.

Xylvania[edit | edit source]

"The Flakker IV Anti-Air Vehicle launches four ready-to-fire missiles in short succession. The fire-and-forget Flakker missile is manufactured by SchnellWurst, and is a two-stage solid propellant rocket-powered missile."

Iron Legion[edit | edit source]

The Iron Legion has not developed this unit.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Sprites[edit | edit source]

Faction BW BW2
Western Frontier
Tundran Territories -
Solar Empire -

Artwork[edit | edit source]

Concept art[edit | edit source]

Units of the Battalion Wars series
Cut units