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Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

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Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

The game's North American boxart
Basic info
Developer Intelligent Systems
Publisher Nintendo
System Game Boy Advance
North America: "E" for Everyone
Europe: 7+ (PEGI)
6+ (USK)
Australia: G8+
Japan: N/A
Release Dates
North America: June 23, 2003
Europe: October 3, 2003
Australia: July 10, 2003
Japan: November 25, 2004*
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising Guide on StrategyWiki

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising is the second Advance Wars game in the series following Advance Wars. It was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. The subtitle refers to the fact that Black Hole, the main enemy of the Advance Wars series, rose and invaded Orange Star yet again.

In Japan, the game was released only as part of a compilation with the original Advance Wars called Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2. It was announced in the Japanese version of the February 2014 Nintendo Direct that Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2 will be one of thirteen Game Boy Advance games to be released on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console on April 3, 2014.[1] At E3 2021, Nintendo announced that a remake of Black Hole Rising alongside the original Advance Wars will be developed by WayForward and released as part of another compilation titled Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp.[2]

Modes[edit | edit source]

Campaign[edit | edit source]

The campaign is the main single player mode of the game. Different COs and maps can be unlocked, and points can be earned here to be exchanged in Battle Maps.

War Room[edit | edit source]

War Room features different maps that can be played on with any CO, albeit the player will be at a disadvantage against the AI. Points can also be earned here.

Versus[edit | edit source]

Versus is a battle mode where the player can play against another player or the computer on the same GameBoy Advance. Special maps, War Room maps, as well as Designed maps can be played here, although Campaign maps cannot be played here.

Design Room[edit | edit source]

Design Room is a mode where players can edit their own maps. CO colors can also be changed here if they're purchased.

Link[edit | edit source]

Link mode is where players can play together with a GameBoy Advance link cable.

  • Single-Pak allows for up to four people to play off of one game-pak.
  • Multi-Pak allows for up to four people to play off of several game-paks.
  • Trade Maps allows for two players with two game-paks to trade design maps.

Battle Maps[edit | edit source]

Battle Maps is where maps for war room, other COs, and other misc. items can be bought in exchange for points earned in War Room or Campaign.

Units[edit | edit source]

These are the units available in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising:

Unit Type Cost Move Range Fuel Ammo Vision
Infantry Infantry 1000 3 1 99 - 2
Mech Infantry 3000 2 1 70 3 2
Recon Vehicle 4000 8 1 80 - 5
Tank Vehicle 7000 6 1 70 9 3
Medium Tank Vehicle 16000 5 1 50 8 1
Neotank Vehicle 22000 6 1 99 9 1
APC Vehicle 5000 6 --- 70 - 1
Artillery Vehicle 6000 5 2-3 99 9 1
Rockets Vehicle 15000 5 3-5 50 6 1
Anti-Air Vehicle 8000 6 1 60 9 2
Missiles Vehicle 12000 4 3-5 50 6 5
Fighter Plane 20000 9 1 99 9 2
Bomber Plane 22000 7 1 99 9 2
B Copter Copter 9000 6 1 99 6 3
T Copter Copter 5000 6 --- 99 - 2
Battleship Ship 28000 5 2-6 99 9 2
Cruiser Ship 18000 6 1 99 9 3
Lander Ship 12000 6 --- 99 - 1
Submarine Submarine 20000 5 1 60 6 5
A colored background indicates a unit that was introduced in this game.

Commanding Officers[edit | edit source]

These are the Commanding Officers available in Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising:

CO Country CO Power Super CO Power CO Meter Hit Miss
Andy Orange Star Hyper Repair Hyper Upgrade Mechanics Waking up early
Max Orange Star Max Force Max Blast Weight training Studying
Sami Orange Star Double Time Victory March Chocolate Cowards
Nell Orange Star Lucky Star Lady Luck Willful Students Downtime
Hachi Orange Star Barter Merchant Union Tea Medicine
Olaf Blue Moon Blizzard Winter Fury Warm boots Rain clouds
Grit Blue Moon Snipe Attack Super Snipe Cats Rats
Colin Blue Moon Gold Rush Power of Money Grit and Olaf Black Hole
Eagle Green Earth Lightning Drive Lightning Strike Lucky Goggles Swimming
Drake Green Earth Tsunami Typhoon The open sea High places
Jess Green Earth Turbo Charge Overdrive Dandelions Unfit COs
Kanbei Yellow Comet Morale Boost Samurai Spirit Sonja Computers
Sonja Yellow Comet Enhanced Vision Counter Break Computers Bugs
Sensei Yellow Comet Copter Command Airborne Assault Lazy, rainy days Busy malls
Flak Black Hole Brute Force Barbaric Blow Meat Veggies
Lash Black Hole Terrain Tactics Prime Tactics Getting her way Not getting it
Adder Black Hole Sideslip Sidewinder His own face Dirty things
Hawke Black Hole Black Wave Black Storm Black coffee Incompetence
Sturm Black Hole N/A Meteor Strike Invasions Peace
A colored background indicates a CO that was introduced in this game.

Nomenclature[edit | edit source]

Names in Other Markets
Language Name Meaning
Japanese ゲームボーイウォーズアドバンス2 (Gēmu Bōi Wōzu Adobansu Tsū) Game Boy Wars Advance 2

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Artwork[edit | edit source]

Commanding Officers[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Virtual Console Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

E3 2003 trailer, featuring a cover of Jess' Theme

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Japanese Nintendo Direct (February 14) - Youtube.
  2. Whitehead, Thomas (15 June 2021). "Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Camp Reimagines The Classics On Switch". Nintendo Life. Retrieved 29 January 2023.

External links[edit | edit source]

Famicom Wars*
Game Boy Wars*
Advance Wars
Battalion Wars*
Cancelled games