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The Beast

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The Beast
ヴァンダ Vanda

The Beast, as he appears in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Faction Bandit Raiders Bandit Raiders

The Beast is a non-playable Commanding Officer and the leader of the Bandit Raiders in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.

He is called Drakov in the European release (Advance Wars: Dark Conflict).

Role[edit | edit source]

The Beast is a former Rubinelle soldier, who after the Meteor strikes, leads a group of bandits to find whatever they can to survive, even if it means stealing from others. He serves as the games early antagonist, first leading a small group of bandits, that attempts to raid multiple communities, until they're ultimate defeat at the hands of 12th Battalion, with only him surviving. Then Caulder gives him supplies and soldiers to fight against 12th Battalion, but he ultimately fails Caulder's test, and ends up getting killed.

Personality[edit | edit source]

The Beast is a ruthless sociopath with no value for life or morality. He seeks only that which furthers his own selfish cause.

Commanding Officers of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
12th Battalion
New Rubinelle Army
Intelligent Defense Systems