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Sup Lol

I'm Sami's BIGGEST Stan!
Faction Orange Star Orange Star
Specialty Existing XD
Hit Milk
Miss Stupidity
CO Power BUP
Super CO Power ULTRA BUP
Power Meter
This isn't a hit piece and you're not some evil traitor to be smited.
— Trig -

Hey y'all! I'm just some random Sami Stalker-fan (or Stan) trying my best to improve an almost dead NIWA wiki, but we can't do it alone. I have other accounts, but my main one is here: https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/User:SplatNerdAgent4

I want to improve this wiki in any way I can. We need your help, young (or old) stranger! Please join our wiki and help out as much as you can! Thanks in Advance! ~💖

If you want someone of a higher wiki status to help, I recommend Trig. Just be respectful, please!

I'm also a weirdo who believes that Splatoon is a post-apocalyptic Wars World, so yeah.

So "funny" story, there was a typo on Jake's Trial that went unnoticed for almost 11 years (the typo: Nell is tallking). It wasn't until today (when I'm writing this) that it was finally fixed, by none other than me.

My Sandbox