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Wars Net Center

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The Wars Net Center (ウォーズネットセンター) is a feature, accessed from the Network option of the main menu using the センターにアクセス (Center Access) option and the communication tower (通信棟) in Game Boy Wars 3. This feature allows the player to download content using the Mobile System GB.

It was possible to access messages from the center (a maximum of 20 but only 10 could be stored at a time), and receive special medals (a maximum of 99, these were also received through map downloads/calling units) that could enhance a unit. It was also possible to download new units and new maps. The maps included both a limited number of official maps from magazine editors, as well as user-generated content. The maps cost 30 yen each (excluding tax). Players could summon a mercenary unit for 10 yen each (excluding tax). Other features (receiving a Mobile Medal, Welcome Message and mobile notifications) were free of charge.

Communication tower

References[edit | edit source]

  • EchelonPrime (data-mining)
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