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Armoured Personnel Carrier

From Wars Wiki
Revision as of 07:04, 18 February 2022 by Trig Jegman (talk | contribs) (& are these even spelled with a u in the US versions? Given that the euro name was used first in the aw4 header, it could be possible its not...)
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Armoured Personnel Carrier

In-battle sprite
Basic info
Games Advance Wars,
Advance Wars 2,
Dual Strike,
Days of Ruin
Production cost 5,000
Movement range 6 (Tread)AW, AW2, AWDS
6 (Tank)AW4
Fuel 70AW, AW2, AWDS
Vision 1
Primary weapon
Name None
Range N/A
Ammo N/A
Effective against N/A
Weak against N/A
Secondary weapon
Name None
Range N/A
Ammo N/A
Effective against N/A
Weak against N/A

Armoured Personnel Carrier, or APC units are transport ground vehicles. Their purpose is to carry one Infantry unit in a protected vehicle as well as resupplying other units. In Advance Wars: Days of Ruin they are also used to create temporary airports and ports, though they are named Rigs in the American version and Mobile Workshops in the European version. They are found as standard units throughout the Advance Wars series. APCs can carry either Infantry or Mech units, just like T Copters and Landers.

Basic statistics

Advance Wars, Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, Advance Wars: Dual Strike

  • Cost: 5000
  • Movement: 6, tread
  • Fuel: 70
  • Vision: 1
  • Weapons: None

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin

  • Cost: 5000
  • Movement: 6, tank
  • Fuel: 99
  • Vision: 1
  • Weapons: None

COs with bonuses for APCs

Improved movement rate
Improved movement rate


<gallery> AW Yellow Comet APC Sprite.png|Advance Wars Yellow Comet AW Blue Moon APC Sprite.png|Advance Wars Blue Moon AW Orange Star APC Sprite.png|Advance Wars Orange Star AW Green Earth APC Sprite.png|Advance Wars Green Earth AW Black Hole APC Sprite.png|Advance Wars Black Hole