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Def: — Funds: —
Movement cost
Infantry 1 Mech 1
Tires 1 Tread 1
Air 1 Ships
Pipeline Transport
Oozium 1

Roads are found on most in-game maps. They give no defensive cover, but also allow unimpeded movement for all ground units.

In-depth[edit | edit source]

Roads give no terrain stars. In Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Koal's ground and air units get a 10% attack boost on roads.

The "Road Rage" skill rank gives a CO a 10% attack boost on roads. This can stack with Koal's innate abilities to give a 20% boost overall.

Movement costs[edit | edit source]

Movement type Movement cost
Infantry 1
Mech 1
Tread 1
Tire A 1
Tire B 1
Oozium 1
Air 1
Sea N/A
Transport N/A