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イワン Ewan
Artwork (AW2:BHR)
Artwork (AW:DS)
Artwork (AW1+2:RBC)
Faction Blue Moon Blue Moon
Specialty Discounted unit production rates
Hit Olaf and Grit
Miss Black Hole
CO Power Gold Rush
Super CO Power Power of Money
Power Meter
Voice Actor
Erika Harlacher (AW1+2:RBC)[1]
Money buys power!
— Colin -

Colin (Japanese: イワン Ewan) is a Commanding Officer from Blue Moon. He is a new recruit in the second game in the series, Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, joining Olaf and Grit. He is the first Blue Moon CO to not be a defector from Orange Star, unlike Olaf and Grit.


In Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

Colin joins the Blue Moon army while the country has been invaded by Black Hole forces under the command of Lash. He has to fight her on at least two occasions. During one, Two-Week Test, he is greatly outnumbered by Lash and he is only able to defeat her because of his skill with money. When Blue Moon is liberated, Colin joins in as a playable CO for the final missions of the game.

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Colin and his sister Sasha arrive as reinforcements for the Orange Star contingency early on in the game. He can be used for every mission thereafter that allows the player to select a CO.


Colin has a timid personality, and is often insecure about his abilities. He looks up to authority, and is fiercely loyal to Olaf and Grit.


Besides looking up for Olaf or Grit for examples, his sister Sasha is also a person of great importance for him.


Colin hails from a rich family, and as such, is quite skilled with money. Because of his inexperience, however, his troops suffer from an offense penalty in combat.

In Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

  • Day-to-Day: Colin's units cost 80%, but have 90% firepower.
  • CO Meter:
  • CO Power: Gold Rush — Colin's current funds are increased by 50%. (Standard +10% defense.)
  • Super CO Power: Power of Money — Colin's firepower rises by 1% for every 300G funds he has available at the time of the power's activation. (Standard +10% defense.)

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike

  • Day-to-Day: Colin's units cost 80%, but have 90% firepower.
  • CO Meter:
  • CO Power: Gold Rush — Colin's current funds are increased by 50%. (Standard +10% firepower and defense.)
  • Super CO Power: Power of Money — Colin's firepower rises by 1% for every 300G funds he has available at the time of the power's activation. (Standard +10% firepower and defense.)

CO Powers

English Japanese French German Spanish Italian Dutch Chinese
Gold Rush ゴールドラッシュ
Gold Rush
Ruée vers l'or Geldsegen Fiebre del Oro Opulenza Goudkoorts N/A
CO Power
Power of Money パワーオブマネー
Power of Money
Argent roi Geldesmacht Poder del Dinero Ricchezza Kaskraker N/A

Tag Affinities

Tag Partner Stars Firepower English Japanese French German Spanish Italian
Sasha +30% Trust Fund ブルーインパルス
Blue Impulse
O.P.A. Monopolismus ??? ???
Olaf None +5% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia
Grit None +5% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia
Lash None -10% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia
Von Bolt None -10% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia



Commanding Officers of Advance Wars
Orange Star
Blue Moon
Green Earth
Yellow Comet
Black Hole