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Omega Land

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Revision as of 04:33, 12 June 2023 by JFX (talk | contribs)
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Omega Land map, as seen in the campaign of Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Omega Land is the region in Wars World where the campaign of Advance Wars: Dual Strike is set. It is unclear which nation controls what territory, though it appears to have Orange Star in the middle, Blue Moon in the southeast, Green Earth in the east, Yellow Comet in the northeast, and Black Hole to the west.

Although the Black Crystals are turning Omega Land into a desert, it is possible that there were already existing deserts, such as the Red Rock Desert, which would likely become a wasteland.

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Omega Land is invaded by the Black Hole Army, which is led by Von Bolt and his Bolt Guard. Omega Land has thoroughly regenerated since the war in Macro Land, which took place not long before. It is revealed that Black Hole is draining energy out of the Earth to create and heal new units using a device called "The Black Obelisk". By the end of the war the Black Obelisk is destroyed, saving Omega Land from desertification.

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