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Black Boat

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Revision as of 15:48, 1 July 2023 by JFX (talk | contribs) (Italicized game titles)
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Black Boat
Orange StarBlue MoonGreen EarthYellow CometBlack Hole
Orange Star in-game sprite (classic)
Blue Moon in-game sprite (classic)
Green Earth in-game sprite (classic)
Yellow Comet in-game sprite (classic)
Black Hole in-game sprite (classic)
Basic info
Games Dual Strike
Production cost 7,500
Movement range 7 (Ship)
Fuel 60
Vision 1
Primary weapon
Name None
Range N/A
Ammo N/A
Effective against N/A
Weak against N/A
Secondary weapon
Name None
Range N/A
Ammo N/A
Effective against N/A
Weak against N/A

Black Boat units are transport ships. Their purpose is to carry two foot soldiers in a protected ship; they can also repair and resupply other units. They have only appeared in Advance Wars: Dual Strike so far.

Basic statistics

Advance Wars: Dual Strike

  • Cost: 7500
  • Movement: 7, transport
  • Fuel: 60
  • Vision: 1
  • Weapons: None

CO effects

COs with bonuses for Black Boats

Improved movement rate
Improved movement rate and defence
Improved movement rate
Units of Advance Wars