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アスカ Asuka
Artwork (AW)
Artwork (AW2:BHR)
Sprite (AW:DS)
Artwork (AW1+2:RBC)
Faction Yellow Comet Yellow Comet
Specialty Fog of War missions
Hit Computers
Miss Bugs
CO Power Enhanced Vision
Super CO Power Counter Break
Power Meter
Voice Actor
Cassandra Lee Morris (AW1+2:RBC)[1]
Get me some fresh intel, stat!
— Sonja -

Sonja (Japanese: アスカ Asuka) is a Commanding Officer from Yellow Comet and Kanbei's daughter. She debuted in Advance Wars. She is notable for wearing a different outfit in the Japanese versions of the Advance Wars games than in the American and European releases. In the former she wears a red dress and glasses, in the latter she wears a green dress with no glasses. In Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, she dons a green dress and glasses, using her glasses in her CO Power animation.

Role[edit | edit source]

In Advance Wars[edit | edit source]

Sonja acts as the enemy on a series of three hidden missions, where after splitting up the Orange Star forces she tests the skills of not only the player, but also the Orange Star COs. She is also instrumental in finding out why the nations of Cosmo Land are at war and revealing Sturm. She is captured by Sturm on their first meeting and as such, is one of three unplayable COs for The Final Battle! (the other two being Nell and Sturm himself).

In Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising[edit | edit source]

Alongside Kanbei and Sensei, Sonja helps repel a Black Hole invasion led by Adder. First she destroys one of Adder's forces, then routs a group of units led by Lash. Sonja can also be selected for the Yellow Comet lab mission, as well as the factory missions for Yellow Comet and Green Earth and the two missions vs. Sturm.

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike[edit | edit source]

Sonja, Sami, Grit, and Eagle arrive in Omega Land with reinforcements for the Allied Nations. She can be selected from that point on to fight in any mission.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Sonja is very smart, and she often thinks ahead rather than charge right into battle. She is somewhat a philosopher, and, according to Sami, a smart aleck.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Sonja's relationship with Kanbei is an interesting one. Despite being father and daughter, the two serve as foils for each other; Kanbei is an impulsive, honor-driven technophobe whereas Sonja is a calculating and calm prodigy. However, the two rely on each other to cover each other's weaknesses and generally get along.

Sonja also has an odd sort of friendship with Lash. Although the two are both young geniuses, their personalities couldn't be much more different. The two share a rivalry which seems to alternate between friendly and bitter.

Sami is Sonja's other main rival and in their days at military academy, their rivalry was certainly bitter. However, they are on much friendlier terms these days.

Sonja is not particularly close to Sensei but holds a high degree of respect for him.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Sonja's skills changed a bit over the course of the series, but generally centered around intel and the manipulation thereof. Her signature skills are vision and hidden HP intel.

In Advance Wars[edit | edit source]

  • Day-to-Day (D2D): Sonja's units have one extra space of vision range and their HP is hidden from enemies on the map screen (it is still present in battle animations, however). She has both increased luck and bad luck damage, with the former being up to +25% and the latter up to -15%.
  • CO Meter: 30,000G.
  • CO Power: Enhanced Vision — Sonja's vision range increases by a further 2 spaces and all woods and reefs are uncovered within her vision range. 110% damage dealt and 90% damage taken by all units.

In Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising[edit | edit source]

  • Day-to-Day (D2D): Sonja's units have one extra space of vision range and their HP is hidden from enemies on the map screen (it is still present in battle animations, however). In addition to the standard up to 10% luck damage, she has the same amount in bad luck damage. Her counterattacks are also 50% stronger.
  • CO Meter:
  • CO Power: Enhanced Vision — Sonja's vision range increases by a further 1 space and all woods and reefs are uncovered within her vision range. (Standard +10% defense.)
  • Super CO Power: Counter Break — Grants the same effects as Enhanced Vision. In addition, Sonja's counterattacks no longer deal increased damage, they happen before the enemy's attacks instead (the battle animations still show as if she counterattacked last). (Standard +10% defense.)

In Advance Wars: Dual Strike[edit | edit source]

  • Day-to-Day (D2D): Sonja's units have one extra space of vision range and their HP is hidden from enemies on the map screen (it is still present in battle animations, however). She has bad luck of up to 5%. Enemy terrain stars are reduced by 1 (min 0, reduced before Lash's star-doubling power).
  • CO Meter:
  • CO Power: Enhanced Vision — Sonja's vision range increases by a further 1 space and all woods and reefs are uncovered within her vision range. Enemy terrain stars are reduced by 2. (Standard +10% firepower and defense.)
  • Super CO Power: Counter Break — Grants the same effects as Enhanced Vision but with a reduction of 3 terrain stars. In addition, Sonja's counterattacks happen before the enemy's attacks. (Standard +10% firepower and defense.)

CO Powers[edit | edit source]

English Japanese French German Spanish Italian Dutch Chinese
Enhanced Vision ワンダーサーチ
Wonder Search
Oeil de faucon Weitsicht Ultravisión Occhi di Lince Visionair 侦察挺进
Recon Advance
CO Power
Counter Break カウンターブレイク
Counter Break
Contre-offensive Klarsichtkonter Contraataque Contrattacco Contraklapper N/A

Tag Affinities[edit | edit source]

Tag Partner Stars Firepower English Japanese French German Spanish Italian
Kanbei +30% Battle Standard フウリンカザン
Art of War
Dynastie Comet Östliche Weisheit Sinergia Familiar Soffio di Vulcano
Sami +10% Girl Power ガールズフィーバー
Girls Fever
Forces spéciales Frauenpower Amazona Letal Passione Rosa
Lash +10% Brainstorm パワーオブブレイン
Power of Brain
Génies en marche Geistesblitz Garga Neuronal Stritolamente
Sensei None +5% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia
Von Bolt None -10% Dual Strike タッグブレイク
Tag Break
Pouvoir relais Doppel-Gabe Ataque Dual Virtù Doppia

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp - Full Cast & Crew". IMDb. Retrieved 10 May 2023.
  2. Ask Advance Wars (25 December 2021). Age of Advance Wars characters. Tumblr. Retrieved 6 June 2023.
Commanding Officers of Advance Wars
Orange Star
Blue Moon
Green Earth
Yellow Comet
Black Hole