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World (Battalion Wars)

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The world, as depicted in Battalion Wars 2

The world of Battalion Wars consists of five major nations, spread across continental landmasses and archipelagos.

Regions[edit | edit source]

There are three major regions to note in the Battalion Wars world:

  • The western continent. The west consists of a mixture of rugged canyons, wide plains, and forests and is home to the Western Frontier; while the east consists of a frozen tundra with snowy mountains that are home to the Tundran Territories.
  • The eastern continent, consisting of a gothic-themed volcanic landscape to the north that is home to the nation of Xylvania, while the southwest is a large desert known as the Dune Sea.
  • The southern ocean, which consists of several islands including a large archipelago to the south of the western continent that is home to the Solar Empire. To the southeast of the eastern continent lies the Anglo Isles.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The mission selection screen in the first Battalion Wars shows a landmass to the further east of the eastern continent. However, this continent is not present in the maps of Battalion Wars 2.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Factions of Nintendo Wars
Game Boy Wars
Advance Wars
(Wars World)

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Battalion Wars
(Nations at War)