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Major Nelly

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Major Nelly

Gender Female
Faction Tundran Territories
Relatives Colonel Austin (husband*)
Voice Actor
  • Sarah Parnell (BW)[1]
  • Pat Rodriguez (BW2)[2]
For your sake, Colonel, I hope you have men dug in on both sides of your Radar Array!
— Major Nelly

Major Nelly was a commander of the Tundran Territories.

Background[edit | edit source]

As a Tundran commander, she proves her worth with her robust methods. She is a warm woman who cares deeply for her soldiers. While she does not appreciate Tsar Gorgi's attitude towards her, she tolerates his demeanor out of respect for his achievements.

In Battalion Wars[edit | edit source]

Following Marshal Nova's ascent to power, his first act is to appoint Nelly to the position of Major. This controversial act defines the departure of the Tundran government from Tsar Gorgi's traditional ways to his progressive stance that merit is more important than birthright. After Nova gives her control of Gorgi's troops, she appears early on in the Frontier-Tundra conflict, where she often inadvertently exposes her strategy to the opponent.

After the Alliance of Nations is formed, she warms up to Colonel Austin of the Western Frontier. It is speculated that the reason these two officers are not present in the second game's main story may be marriage.

In Battalion Wars 2[edit | edit source]

Major Nelly appears only in the online co-op mission From Tundra With Love alongside Colonel Austin. Dialogue in the mission suggests the two were married.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Nelly, like Colonel Austin, is not present in the second game's main story. As there is no reason given for them to leave the military, it may be that they were married between the events of the two games.

References[edit | edit source]

Commanding Officers of the Battalion Wars series
Western Frontier
Tundran Territories
Solar Empire
Anglo Isles
Iron Legion