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Infobox tests[edit | edit source]

Cosmo Land War
Location Cosmo Land
Result Allied nations victory
Orange Star Orange Star Black Hole Black Hole
Rifle Grunt
Western FrontierTundran TerritoriesSolar EmpireAnglo IslesXylvaniaIron Legion
H-16 rifle
Western Frontier in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Kasparov KA-57
Tundran Territories in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Solar Empire in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Rifle Grunt
Anglo Isles in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
"Baghead" Infantillerie
Xylvania in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Borkvar Muskette
Iron Legion in-game model (Battalion Wars 2)
Basic info
Deployed by
Role Anti-Personnel
Primary weapon
Name Rifle
Target Infantry
Secondary weapon
Name None
Target N/A
The Battalion Wars
Date Present day (Battalion Wars)
Location Worldwide
Result Alliance of Nations victory
Alliance of Nations Alliance of Nations Xylvania Xylvania

Iron Legion Iron Legion (briefly)

Anglo-Solar War
Date Present day (Battalion Wars 2)
Result Status quo ante bellum
Anglo Isles Anglo Isles

Dialogue layout[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Orange Star forces? Here so soon? But, wait... something's not right here. Nell wouldn't leave Orange Star's capital city unguarded. Which means... A new commanding officer? Ha, ha, ha! Excellent! I've lost a few battles lately, but no more! An Orange Star Army without Nell is no match for me! Time to teach this raw recruit what war's all about!

CO selection[edit | edit source]

I'm Andy! Pleased to meet you, Player.

Orange Star Day 1[edit | edit source]

Player! Andy! Do you read me?
Nell? Is that you? Is this a transceiver?
That's right, Andy. I'll be using it to contact you from here on out. As this is your first real command, I wanted to check up on you.
No worries here! This is going to be easy!
Oh, Andy! You're nothing if not enthusiastic. Let me give you a few words of advice. First, let's talk about your CO Power.
You can use your CO Power when the Power Meter is full. The meter fills up gradually over the course of battle. Once it's full, you... well, I'll cover that when the time comes. Oh, I also have to tell you about the Terms of Victory. The Terms of Victory explain what you need to accomplish to fulfill a mission. Do you see Intel on the Map Menu? Select it and you'll see three new menu items: Terms, Status, and CO. If you select Terms, I'll explain what you must do to win on that map. You should also take a look at the other two items when you have the time. There's a lot of useful intel in there.
OK, Andy. You list to Player and do your best! Good luck, Player! Take care of Andy!

Full CO power meter[edit | edit source]

Player! Andy! Do you copy?
Nell? What is it?
Your Power Meter is full! Andy's CO Power lets you repair all damaged units, right? Do you know when it's best to use it?
Um... No, I don't.
Well, I guess I'll have to tell you. Since you're able to repair all of your units, you should use your Power when you have damaged units. Oh, and one more thing. When you use your Power, all of your units will be a little stronger for that turn. Don't forget what I just told you, OK? Is that clear?
Not really. But that's OK. I'll just let Player decide.
Oh, well... I guess that'll have to do. Player, you're in command. Good luck!

Completion[edit | edit source]

I lost again! Who in the world are you?
My name's Andy! I'm the CO. This is my advisor, Player.
Advisor? We needed no advisors when I was in the Orange Star Army! Hrumph! Be that as it may. Player! Andy! It takes a lot to best me. I'll remember your names. Mark my word!
Hey, grandpa. Who are you?
Who am I, you ask? Throughout Orange Star I was known as...
Nell's papa?
That's right, Nell's... What? No! That's what I get for being nice to children! No respect! Grrr... You just watch yourself, little boy!

Victory screen[edit | edit source]

I win!

Cargo test[edit | edit source]

Game Logo Developer Publisher System Release
Famicom Wars Intelligent Systems Nintendo Famicom 1988-08-12
code=FW seriesCode=FW article=Famicom Wars shortName= link= display= logo=File:FW_Logo.png developer=Intelligent Systems publisher=Nintendo platforms=Famicom releaseDate=1988-08-12


Cargo tables[edit | edit source]

  • Games
    • code - String (ex: AW, AW2)
    • article - Page
    • link - Wikitext
    • display - Wikitext
    • logo - File
    • releaseDate - Date (first released)
    • type - String
    • graphics - String
    • series - String (ex: Advance Wars, Battalion Wars)
  • AWUnitSprites; three types of classic sprites: icon (as seen on map), full (seen in battle), miniature (seen on build menu)
    • unit - String
    • faction - String
    • map - File
    • mapDS - File (optional, if Dual Strike map sprite differs from previous games)
    • full - File
    • mini - File (optional)
  • AWDoRUnitSprites
    • unit - String
    • faction - String
    • map - File (diagonal-facing sprite, zoomed-in)
    • mapSmall - File (horizontal facing sprite, zoomed-out)
    • full - File
  • AWUnits
  • AWDoRUnits
  • AWCOs
  • AWDoRCOs
  • AWDamage
  • AWDoRDamage

Unit rosters[edit | edit source]

Unit roster[edit | edit source]

Infantry[edit | edit source]


Vehicles[edit | edit source]

Medium Tank

Terrain[edit | edit source]

Terrain and Properties in Advance Wars